Sunday, November 29, 2009


While I know that love is something that keeps me going everyday. I know I cannot live without it, but there are so many things I don't understand about it. Even though I find I end up having a lot of questions about a lot of things, this is something I wonder the most about. Why does love make you do strange things? Like when people say if you love something let it go. Why? Does this make very much sense? I'd hold onto it for dear life! Because I feel that if you ever find true love, it is definitely something to hold on to. Another thing I don't understand about love, is why does it seem to fade in most cases? Let's give the scenario: after so many years of marriage Tom decided he saw his wife more as a sister than a life long mate... so they got a divorce. What about Tom's 2 children? Was that ever in the equation? Is it really love that i should be questioning or is it the ignorance and selfishness in people? Well I would say it was the people if only they didn't blame it all on love. Is it just me or does it seem that love and hurt go hand in hand? Quoting one of my favorite movies "The Women" one of the lead characters said to her friend "In every relationship someone betrays the other, either in a really big way or a million little ones. It's inevitable." Now granted this is just a movie, but this is true is it not? And why is that? ... I guess it just comes down to the fact that love is just complicated. That's all there is to it. Ironically EnLightened with Love, E L L

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